Join MotoGPARMo 2019!

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Join MotoGPARMo 2019!

Messaggio da AngelS93 » ven 1 mar 2019, 14:58

Are you interested in MotoGP? Are you sure to guess every grid position, after the qualifying session and after the race? The answer is only one: join MotoGPARMo! It's an offline tournament developed by ARM, based on forecasting the first five positions in the ranking of every Q2 session and race, throughout the 19 GPs of the FIM MotoGP World Championship 2019! For further information, you can sign up by sending a message in this topic viewtopic.php?f=3&t=3184, after reading the first message at the top! Special prizes for the first three placed in the overall ranking! :wink:

Here's to you the official regulation!
The time available to insert the forecast ends 1 minute before the start of the qualifying session (Q1) of every GP.
It's necessary to write in the specified topic (linked above) the forecast of the first 5 riders ranked in the Q2, the first 5 riders ranked in the race and the rider making the best lap (by inserting an asterisk next to his forecast, e.g. Marquez 1 1*)
I won't NEVER accept any forecast inserted after the start of the race. If the forecast is inserted after the start of Q1, for example after the qualifying session starts or ends, only the forecast of the 5 riders in the qualifying session won't be considered, while the forecast about the race (5 riders and best lap) will be considered; however the participant will have a penalty of 10 points in his GP's score.
It's possibile to re-write the forecast (instead of modifying it) in a new post, if the participant forgets to insert a part of it (e.g. the asterisk of the best lap, or the driver bonus [described below]) or if he puts the same position for two different riders in Q2 or race. It will be done NECESSARILY before the race, otherwise, as reported above, the forecast won't be considered.
The GP's score will be assigned in the following way:
• 5 points by guessing the rider's ranking in the qualifying session (Q2)
• 3 points by inserting the rider's ranking uncorrect of one position in the qualifying session (e.g. forecast of Marquez 4th in the Q2, he ranks 3rd or 5th)
• 10 points by guessing the rider's ranking in the race
• 7 points by inserting the rider's ranking uncorrect of one position in the race (such as above for the Q2)
• 10 points by guessing the rider making the best lap in the race.

If a participant puts the same ranking for two riders in the Q2 or the race, neither of them will be considered (if not modified before the race, such as what I stated the point 1 of the regulation).
• 20 points by guessing the rider ranked 1st both in qualifying session and race, and making the best lap in the race (so called "hattrick") (HATTRICK BONUS)
• 15 points by guessing the whole podium (riders ranked 1st,2nd and 3rd after the race) (PODIUM BONUS)
• 10 points by guessing the whole first row (riders ranked 1st,2nd and 3rd after the Q2) (FIRST ROW BONUS)
• -10 points if no one among the riders forecasted ranks within the first 5 after the qualifying session or the race (QUALIFYING MALUS):
If I forecast the first 5 riders for the QUALIFYING SESSION, and nobody of them after the Q2 ranks among the first five, I get a malus. In the same way, if I forecast the first 5 riders for the RACE, and nobody of them after the race ranks among the first five, I get a malus. The "QUALIFYING MALUS" is cumulative, so hypothetically I may get even an amount of malus of -20 (-10 of the qualifying session + -10 of the race). The name "QUALIFYING MALUS" is used only to distinguish it from the "RACE MALUS" (see below).
• -2 points if the rider doesn't finish the race (e.g. crash, engine trouble ecc.) of doesn't rank among the first 10 riders after the race (RACE MALUS)
• 5 points by guessing the same rider's ranking both in the qualifying session and in the race (RIDER BONUS). If a participant gets the "RIDER BONUS", a further bonus is earned: he has the possibility to forecast the ranking of the first SIX drivers both in the qualifying session and the race (not five, as usual) for the next GP (pay attention: the RIDER BONUS is not cumulative, even if you get multiple bonuses of this kind).
For all that regards the qualifying session's forecast, the official ranking, that I'll use to calculate the score, will consider retreats in the starting grid or in the final results, e.g. for the change of the engine, penalties, etc. (for example, if Marquez ranks 3rd but he's retreated and ends up 10th, he will be considered as 10th).
The final classification is the one reported by the official website , so if a rider is then downgraded/upgraded in the ranking of the qualifying session or the race, scores will be calculated again.
Classe '93, in cerca di un posto nel mondo vagando con Humma per il Toytanic.

1078 "Spectare o non spectare? Questo è il dilemma"
autore immagine: WheelSmith18


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